It handles the most popular compression formats, including ZIP, 7Z, RAR. Bandizip has a very fast Zip algorithm for compression & extraction with Multi-core compression. Bandizip v.6.26 Bandizip is a Lightweight, Fast and free All-In-One Zip Archiver.With the built-in ZIP archiver, encryption support and log file support it will process all your daily email. AutoMail v.3.2 This powerful command-line email client is designed to automate scheduled file sending in your company.

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#Hamster free zip archiver archive
Now you can easily create ZIP archive, Self-Extractor archive and much more. CyD Archiver XP v.1.1 Easy and powerful ZIP archiver.Present archives as folders and can search/explore/view fies inside archives fast and easy. Supports most popular graphics formats,playing most multimedia files (video/audio). Zero Zip-It v.1.20 Multimedia viewer/player/convertor and ZIP archiver/file manager in one.The utility is integrated into Windows Shell.Original, double tree program interface allows to manipulate. It can also extract files from CAB, RAR, JAR, ACE and 7Z archives. AX-ZIP Archiver v.3.0 AX- ZIP Archiver is the utility for creation and management of zip-archives.This tool uses optimum compression and productivity settings as well as making the best use of multi-core processing options. Hamster Free Zip Archiver v. Hamster Free Zip Archiver is a simple, very easy to use application designed to help you create and open zip archives.